Merging biometrics with education in the UAE: a step into the future

Article 90 : Merging biometrics with education in the UAE: a step into the future

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) have always been at the forefront of technology and innovation. The latest biometric initiative for students is irrefutable proof of this. Discover how this integration between education and technology is shaping the future landscape.

Integrating Biometrics into the Educational System

Technological evolution spares no sector. Education, a fundamental pillar of any society, is a perfect illustration of this in the UAE. As part of their constant drive for innovation, the Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship (FAIC) and the UAE Ministry of Education launched the second phase of the “Closer to You” initiative. This aims to integrate the biometrics of students aged 15 and older into the FAIC’s population registry.

Beyond simple data collection, this initiative eliminates often redundant administrative steps. Gone are the visits to customer happiness centres. Everything is now orchestrated through field visits. This approach aims to simplify life for students, parents, and institutions alike.

A Large-Scale Project for a Long-Term Vision

The first phase, implemented during the 2022-2023 academic year, was already a resounding success. Covering schools throughout the country, it laid the foundation for a biometric integration strategy. The main goal was clear: to facilitate communication and interaction between government institutions and various community members. And what better place than schools to start such a project, all with the aim of preparing for the future?

Major General Saeed Saif Al Khaili, Director-General of the FAIC, perfectly summed up the essence of this project by emphasizing the importance of developing government service portfolios. Improving service quality is essential, aligning with the UAE government’s strategy for 2021-2025.

The Numbers Speak for Themselves

When discussing initiatives of this magnitude, tangible results are imperative. The initial feedback from this integration is astounding. With a 192% inclusion rate of students’ biometrics in the first month, the project far exceeded expectations. Nearly 1,923 students from 91 different schools across the UAE have already joined the program.

These positive results mark the beginning of a promising journey, testifying to the UAE’s futuristic vision in education and technology. The coming years look exciting.

The successful integration of biometrics into the UAE’s educational system gives us a glimpse into what the future of global education might look like. A perfect blend of technology and learning, paving the way for a world where efficiency and modernity reign supreme.